
Simple Tips to Prepare Your Home for A Summer Vacation

Under Home | Lifestyle, Real Estate

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June 29th, 2024

Planning a long vacation is exciting, but ensuring your home remains safe and secure while you’re away is crucial. Whether you’re jetting off for weeks or months, taking proactive steps to prepare your home for a long vacation can provide peace of mind. From securing doors and windows to managing utilities, here are some essential tips to help you prepare your home for an extended absence.

Secure Your Doors and Windows
Double-check that all your doors and windows are securely locked before you leave. You may also consider installing deadbolts or additional locks for further security and peace of mind.

Arrange for Mail and Packages
Consider either putting your mail on hold with the postal service or asking a trusted neighbor or friend to collect it for you. A build-up of mail is usually a telltale sign that no one is home, potentially leading to porch pirating and burglary. Managing your mail can help deter thieves and maintain the security of your home.

Notify Trusted Contacts
Inform a neighbor, friend, or family member about your travel plans. Provide them with emergency contact information and ask them to keep an eye out for your property and any suspicious activity. This is a crucial step in home security during vacation, ensuring someone is aware of your absence and can act if needed.

Unplug Any Electronics
In order to prevent electrical fires and save energy, unplug any non-essential electronics and appliances. For any devices that must remain plugged in, consider using surge protectors. This not only helps secure your home but also conserves energy while you are on vacation..

Adjust Your Thermostat and Water Heater
Adjust your thermostat to conserve energy while maintaining a safe temperature for your home. Also, consider lowering the temperature of your water heater to save energy as well. These adjustments aren’t just effective for home security, but are also effective home maintenance tips.

Update Your Home Security
Before jetting off, ensure that your home security system is active and functioning properly. If you don’t have one, consider installing motion sensor lights, security cameras, or an alarm system to deter theft and potential burglary.

By following these tips, you can minimize any risks of theft and enjoy your vacation with peace of mind, knowing that your home is well-prepared and secure.

Tips on How to Prepare Your Home for A Long Vacation? by Lindsey Kwon | zoocasa

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